About Lax

My Journey from a failed business owner to a Digital Marketing Consultant

About Thrive With Lax

Hello, and thank you for stepping into “Thrive with Lax.” This blog isn’t just a series of posts; it’s the pulse of my life’s voyage through storms and calm seas alike. Here, I share not just the triumphs but the trials, the moments of despair, and the leaps of faith that have defined my path.

The Early Years in Tamil Nadu, India.

Born in the lush landscapes of Tamil Nadu, India, to the most supportive parents one could wish for, my childhood was filled with the typical joys and explorations of youth.

However, at the tender age of 11, I discovered rowing—a sport that quickly evolved from a pastime into a passion.

Competing at the national level brought me not only two gold medals in the double scull at the sub-junior nationals but also dreams of international glory.

Those dreams were abruptly dashed by a back injury that ended my aspirations of professional athleticism.

Thrive With Lax

From Engineering Dreams to Digital Realms

Recovering from this early setback, I shifted my focus to academics, pursuing mechanical engineering in Chennai, the city that shaped so many of my formative years.

It was during this period that the seeds of entrepreneurship were sown within me.

Upon graduation in 2018, armed with ambition and inspired by innovation,

I launched into the digital marketing world with Tauren Media.

With no prior experience, each project became a learning experience, a chance to grow and adapt.

My father, a seasoned entrepreneur in HR consultancy, stood by me, offering wisdom and support as I navigated these new waters.

Confronting Adversity Head-On

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic was a test unlike any other.

While the digital domain flourished, my agency struggled against the tide of rapid scaling and client demands, leading to the heart-wrenching decision to close Tauren Media in 2022.

The ensuing period was marked by introspection and doubt, a test of wills that eventually led me to pursue further education in HR in Sheffield, UK.

This new chapter was a refreshing divergence, an opportunity to immerse myself in global perspectives and regain my footing.

Achievements Amidst Trials

Graduating with Merit in MSc in HR Management and the prestigious CIPD Level 7 certification was a moment of pride, a beacon amidst the challenges.

Yet, as the recession cast its shadow over the job market in the UK, the familiar specter of depression loomed once more.

It was amidst the scenic beauty of the Peak District that a moment of clarity emerged—the realization that my story wasn’t about falling down but about the courage to stand up and try again.

Thrive with Lax – The Journey Continues

Thus, “Thrive with Lax” came into being, not just as a venture but as a mission to share the raw, unvarnished truth of my experiences.

It stands as a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of learning from every setback, and the undying hope that drives us forward.

Through this blog, I aim to connect with souls on similar journeys, to offer insights that light the way, and to celebrate the spirit of never giving up.

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About Thrive With Lax

Invitation to Join the Voyage

If your heart beats with dreams, if you’ve faced down the shadows of failure and dared to dream again, you’re in the right place.

“Thrive with Lax” is more than a blog—it’s a community of fighters, dreamers, and believers.

Here, we share our stories, learn from each other, and find strength in our collective resilience.

Welcome to our circle, where every challenge is an opportunity, and every story inspires us to thrive.

Together, we don’t just aspire; we achieve. We don’t just survive; we flourish.

Ready to start Thriving?